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In-Class Session #1 ​
  • Getting started activities

  • Introducing Show and Share Assignments

  • Completing your Employer Evaluation

  • Reviewing your C.E.L.P.

  • Introduction to Culminating Activities


Show & Share - Video Assignment 

Over the next six weeks, you will have to perform a task on video to be presented at the next in-class.

Please follow the steps below:


1. Review the rubric and the expectations for the assignment

2. Speak with your supervisor about the assignment and discuss what task you will perform

3. Contact your teacher with a date for videotaping

4. Practice and prepare for the shooting of the video

5. Record the video with your teacher

6. Upload your video to Google Classroom as well as save it to your google drive or upload it to Youtube so you can use it in your Culminating Assignment

Employer Evaluation

Open the assignment in Google Classroom to find the link to your Employer Evaluation.

Fill our the top portion of the document completely.

On page 2, type out the tasks that you do at your placement that your employer will evaluate you on. Fill out all of the spaces.

Next, save the document to your drive.

Have a teacher read over your evaluation.

Once approved, print it off and bring to your placement for your supervisor.

Culminating Activities 

​Your culminating activity consists of 2 parts:  a Live Demonstration and a presentation called "My Coop Experience".  

Click on the link 'Culminating Activity' to read about the expectations and your options. Check the coop calendar/Google Classroom for due dates. 

Start preparing now for the most success.

By the end of this class, I will be able to:

  • ​Orally introduce myself and my placement​

  • Fully understand the content from pre-placement through an assessment

  • Reflect on my placement experiences

  • Practice making eye contact with an audience

  • Practice speaking loudly and clearly

  • Making connections with my workplace and health and safety

  • Get a general understanding of what is expected of me for my culminating activities

  • Make connections with the workplace and my logs and guiding questions



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