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My Blueprint

It's time to update your online Career Portfolio!

Go to the myblueprint website by clicking this button   ->


Login with your email address and password. If you forget your password, click "Forgot your password?" in the green box.​

Follow the instructions below: 

1. Who Am I:


  • Complete the Who Am I Surveys (Learning Styles, Personality, Interests, Knowledge, Motivations, Compatibility Survey)


2. Answer the questions from your results:

  • What is your perfoanlity type?

  • What do you agree with regarding your personality?

  • What is your interest type?

  • What are your interest traits?

  • What are your 3 subject areas?

  • What are your career clusters?

  • What are your top motivation factors?

  • List 2 occupations that interest you from your compatibility survey

  • What interests you most about these occupations?

3. Co-op/Work Experiences:

  • Click "My Profile" (top left) to get back to My Blueprint home page

  • Scroll down to "Work" and click "Start"

  • Record your current Co-op placement information (resume)

Optional: Record community involvement hours and other work experiences

4. My Files 
If you have created documents on Google Docs, you will need to download them to your school computer drive before uploading them to My Blueprint*

  • Click "My Profile" (top left) to get back to the My Blueprint home page

  • Go to "My Files" at the right side of the screen and click, "Upload Files

  • Upload your Co-op resume, cover letter, and PPLP

Optional: Make a document listing your certifications with dates and upload it to My Blueprint.

Optional: Upload information related to your OYAP or college/university applications.

5. If time permits, explore the Post Secondary Planner or Occupation Planner to help you in your career research.

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